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10-11-2023 | read

The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Social Justice and Empowerment chaired by Smt. Rama Devi, Hon’ble Member of Parliament, held a meeting on 6th November at Agra on ‘Implementation of welfare measures including reservation for SCs, STs and Divyangjan in NTPC and NTPC’s CSR initiatives along with its impact on SCs, STs and Divyangjan’.

During the meeting, Director (HR) NTPC provided an overview of the company's efforts highlighting several initiatives for the welfare of SCs, STs and Divyangjan and NTPC’s CSR activities for SCs, STs and Divyangjan. Besides NTPC, representative of the Ministry of Power also attended the meeting.

The committee appreciated NTPC’s efforts and its CSR initiative for the welfare of SCs, STs and Divyangjan.